Evaluation of STD Screening Interventions
Learn from STD Programs that participated in the enhanced evaluation of projects designed to increase performance on the HEDIS measure of chlamydia screening
Evaluation of STD Field and Partner Services
Learn how STD Programs used Disease Intervention Specialists or field services work to help improve HIV outcomes, such as HIV testing, PrEP use, and linkage to care
Grab Bag of Other Evaluation Summaries
A grab bag of materials and links that may be of interest to STD programs from a broad range of topics.
Where did the content come from?
Your colleagues! Most of the programmatic work was conducted from 2015-2018 by recipients of PS14-1402 STD AAPPS, CDC’s cooperative agreement to support STD surveillance, prevention, and control among 59 state and local health departments. Nearly all the products were developed by recipients of that funding mechanism.
Most of the evaluation work included here was supported by CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, through that cooperative agreement (PS14-1402 STD AAPPS) through enhanced evaluation cooperative agreements (PS15-1511 or PS14-1402 Supplement), or through PS14-1407 (NNPTC). The HHS Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative sponsored most of PS15-1511.
CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, in collaboration with NCSD, choose what content to include, with permission of funded project areas. The findings of all evaluation reports and documents on this site are those of the authors and do not represent the official position of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
More materials will be added as they become available.