On December 12, 2021, NACCHO, NASTAD, and NACCHO hosted a webinar on a new point-of-care technology for testing sexually transmitted infections and the impact of its use for health departments.
Historically, STI testing has required that samples be sent to a lab for testing while the patient awaits results and possible treatment. A fast diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential in preventing the spread of STIs. A point-of-care test allows for faster diagnosis and eliminates the 4–7-day turnaround.
A reliable, low-cost, point-of-care test that allows clinicians and healthcare workers to diagnose and provide accurate treatment in one visit could help reduce the burden on the patient and help improve health outcomes including by helping to reduce the threat of antibiotic resistance from empirical treatment. By streamlining the process of providing accurate treatment and counseling at once, providers can save time and money, reduce patient anxiety, and minimize the loss of patients to follow-up care (treatment).
In August, Visby Medical received FDA clearance and a CLIA waiver for its point-of-care PCR test for the detection of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomonas with a vaginal swab. Results are available within 30 minutes and can be shared within a single patient visit. This is the first point-of-care test that has received this approval.