STD public health programs stand on the frontlines in the fight against the syphilis epidemic, as rates continue to increase, providing partner services, surveillance, case management, and appropriate treatment. State and local STD programs are now relying on primary health care providers to diagnose and treat syphilis more than ever. Learn more about Injectable Syphilis Treatment Delivery (ISTD) programs & best practices.
Although syphilis screening is mandated by state laws and also recommended by the CDC, the logistics of ensuring patients receive appropriate and timely syphilis treatment vary across jurisdictions and STD programs. Ensuring timely treatment of syphilis infection is critical to preventing the adverse outcomes of syphilis infection. If health care providers are not able to provide appropriate and timely treatment, Injectable Syphilis Treatment Delivery (ISTD) may be an option. Through ISTD programs, the state or local health department STD program purchases medication and provides the medication directly to the diagnosing provider to treat a patient’s syphilis infection when the patient cannot afford the cost of the antibiotic or the provider is unable to obtain the medication to provide timely treatment to the patient.
This resource outlines ISTD as STD program practice, shares best practices recommendations for ISTD, outlines how to implement an ISTD program that is aligned with 340B requirements, and also includes resources from jurisdictions implementing ISTD programs. The NCSD Policy team is available to assist you in implementing or improving ISTD in your jurisdiction. Please contact us at [email protected].