Your hub for tools, templates, model policies, and an implementation toolkit to begin offering doxycycline as STI PEP to patients in your community.
A growing body of research shows that Doxycycline as STI PEP is an effective tool for helping gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and transgender women reduce bacterial STIs, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. An April 2023 NEJM article showed doxycycline as STI PEP reduced syphilis by 87%, chlamydia by 88%, and gonorrhea by 55% in individuals taking HIV PrEP and reduced syphilis by 77%, chlamydia by 74%, and gonorrhea by 57% in people living with HIV. These results are remarkable.
Many STI clinics are already providing Doxycycline as STI PEP to patients in their communities and many more are eager to provide this new evidence-based intervention to patients. More broadly, STI professionals will play an integral role in informing their communities and facilitating access to doxycycline as STI PEP.
The Doxycycline as STI PEP Implementation Toolkit is designed to help communities begin the process of offering doxycycline as STI PEP to patients based on evidence that already supports its efficacy. The toolkit combines existing lessons learned from those clinics already using doxycycline as STI PEP, as well as broader lessons learned from the implementation of other new sexual health biomedical tools, like PrEP for HIV and the Jynneos vaccine for Mpox, including important considerations for health equity.
In addition, the Doxy as STI PEP Resource Center is an ongoing source to find FAQs, tools, templates, and resources as doxycycline as STI PEP achieves broader implementation.
If you have questions, feedback, or want to share resources, contact [email protected].
Download tools and templates for you to adapt and use in your clinic or community.
View sample policies and materials from clinics and communities already providing Doxycycline as STI PEP to patients.
Download both print and digital marketing tools to share that your clinic is offering Doxycycline as STI PEP to patients.
Read what NCSD and others are saying about doxycycline as STI PEP.
If you have policies, procedures, marketing materials, or other resources you want to add to the Doxy as STI PEP Command Center, contact [email protected].