Here's what's happening this week in Congress
On Monday, March 11, the President released his budget proposal for FY 2020. The budget proposal includes a 12 percent cut to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as well as an additional $291 million for an end HIV initiative.
The proposed budget also mentions STDs, stating “the United States is experiencing a steep and sustained increase in sexually transmitted infections.” However, the proposal includes flat funding for CDC STD programs at the Division of STD Prevention (DSTDP) from last year, of $157.3 million dollars. To learn more read NCSD’s member update here.
On Wednesday, March 13, the House Labor, Health and Human Services (LHHS) appropriations held a hearing with HHS Secretary Azar to learn more about budget requests for FY 20. The session largely focused on concerns around child separation at the border as well as the changes to Title X. Both Republican and Democratic members of the committee expressed concerns over the President’s proposed budget, particularly around cuts to CDC programs. Watch the whole hearing here.