The below request is from the IWGYP requesting youth nominations
Through the federal Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP), the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) has partnered with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to bring together young people, supportive adults, and federal policymakers on October 28-29, 2018 to better understand how youth make decisions in their daily lives. We’re looking for 20 young people to help us answer one question – “How do young people make important decisions?” The event will take place in Washington, DC and include ice-breakers, small and large group discussions, idea presentations by participants, and conversation with federal policy-makers.
We ask for your help in identifying a diverse group of young people to take part in this opportunity. Attached you will find a nomination form with additional information and brief form. Please take a moment to nominate a young person, 16-19 years of age, you feel has an interest in sharing their ideas. Also, feel free to pass along this message and/or the form to any youth serving organizations, professionals, or young adults you feel may have interest.
A nomination form is available online HERE. Nominations and questions can be sent to Reyhan Reid at [email protected] or Cassy Blakely at [email protected], or by mail to Reyhan Reid, American Institutes for Research, 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW., Washington, DC 20007-3835 by August 30th, 2018. Once nominations are received, participants will be selected to ensure a range of voices are present. AIR staff will contact selected young adults by phone and email, to confirm their availability, ensure interest, gather logistical information for travel and lodging, discuss the opportunity to and answer any questions. Once committed, they will receive a package of preparatory materials and will participate in a webinar to review session objectives, structure, and expectations, and have questions answered.
Thank you, in advance, for your time and assistance in ensuring young people have a voice in the messages and support they receive.