Help guide the STI Federal Action Plan. Please submit comments here by close of business May 24 for this community recommendations document.
The recently announced STI Federal Action Plan (the Plan) will bring awareness to the needs of our field and the people we serve. It will present new opportunities to leverage resources across federal agencies and departments. NCSD is facilitating the development of a community recommendations document to help amplify the needs of our field..
We encourage you to submit comments for the Community Recommendations document here by close of business May 24. Please also share widely with your colleagues.
Last year the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) announced their plan to develop the first ever STI Federal Action Plan. The Plan comes at a pivotal time for our field – STIs are at all-time highs, and congenital syphilis cases continue to soar, and evidence is building that STDs are driving new HIV cases. Between 2013-2017 syphilis cases increased 80%, gonorrhea cases increased 67%, chlamydia cases increased 22%, and congenital syphilis saw a shocking 154% case increase. As STI rates reach critical levels, this Plan presents an opportunity to think creatively and engage a diversity of stakeholders across the spectrum of STI prevention and sexual health.
The OASH is quickly developing the plan, and already has convened a Federal Steering Committee, with representation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Justice, and Department of Defense.
The Steering Committee is currently in the process of developing vision, goals, indicator measures, and strategies for the plan; and are requesting all written recommendations by June 3.
NCSD wants to be sure that the Plan addresses real-world challenges and needs that the people working within the STI field, and those affected by STIs, are seeing. Therefore, NCSD is facilitating the development of a community document that will serve as a written recommendation to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.
NCSD is seeking information via an online recommendations form, and via written response to the draft and final recommendations document.
OASH is seeking feedback from a diverse group of stakeholders and we are seeking to reflect the needs of our field as identified by our members and invested stakeholders in this document. NCSD will compile all feedback submitted into a final document to be submitted to OASH to help them guide the STI Federal Action Plan. The final document will be shared with OASH, our entire membership, and those who submit comments.
An effective federal STI plan will include recommendations that will touch on STI treatment, prevention, testing, and innovative solutions, including advancements in STI vaccinations and other biomedical advancements, to stop the increase of new STI infections.
We anticipate that recommendations will fall into the following categories:
However, do not limit yourself just to these recommendations, as this is not an exhaustive list. Visit this link to submit comments.
NCSD expects that the STI Federal Action Plan will be modeled after the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan. Please feel free to use these two plans as examples and background for your suggestions.
Please submit all comments by May 24.
With questions, contact Taryn Couture, Associate Director, Government Relations