The December newsletter of the Expanding Partnerships and Disseminating HIV Prevention Materials to Reduce HIV and other STDs among Adolescents through National Non-Governmental Organizations (PS16-1603) project
To read the newsletter, please click here.
The initiative was created to increase education of key stakeholders on CDC-developed approaches to school-based programs for creating healthier adolescents (10-19 years old) by reducing HIV and STD infection.
The December newsletter of the Expanding Partnerships and Disseminating HIV Prevention Materials to Reduce HIV and other STDs among Adolescents through National Non-Governmental Organizations (PS16-1603) project focuses on expanding access to sexual health services for young people. This issue of the newsletter features a World AIDS Day blog, On Their Terms: Expanding PrEP Access for Young People, by Kristina Santana, Senior Associate, Prevention & Health Care Access, NASTAD, which highlights the ambiguity of consent laws for minors and confidentiality issues in barriers to young peoples’ access to PrEP. The newsletter also provides World AIDS Day resources and federal HIV policies and programs, as well as information on the initiative’s recent and upcoming conference presentations.
With any questions or comments, please contact Lillian Pinto, Senior Manager, Adolescent Sexual Health