Since 2003, NCSD has received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) to provide capacity building assistance to education and health agencies for school-based HIV/STD prevention. In 2013, NCSD received a new cooperative agreement from DASH to provide capacity building assistance to state education agencies around increasing youth access to sexual health services.
Sara Stahlberg, Associate Director, Programs (and Winston!)
Technical Assistance:
- Educating key decision makers on the importance of sexual health services for youth
- Establishing organizational linkages and partnerships
- Assessing reimbursement eligibility
- Building the capacity for priority school districts to deliver or refer students to SHS
- Assessing clinical services for inclusion of key sexual health services, youth and LGBTQ friendliness, and cultural appropriatenessLilly Pinto, Manager, Adolescent Sexual Health
- Developing a referral system and protocols/policies
Navigating Adolescent Sexual Health Plans
Developing a Referral System for Sexual Health Services