Congress also increases funding for Ending HIV, Adolescent Health & Other Safety Net Programs
For Immediate Release: July 15, 2021
Contact: Kathleen Jeanty, [email protected], 617-610-5424
Washington, DC – The National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) is thrilled to learn that the House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee increased funding to fight sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in its Labor, Health, and Human Services fiscal year (FY) 2022 appropriations bill.
“This is incredibly welcome news,” says David C. Harvey, NCSD’s executive director. “With STD rates exploding and reaching all-time highs, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, funding to support state, territorial and local jurisdictions working to combat STD epidemics is now more important than ever,” he adds.
In addition to providing a $5 million increase for STDs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the House bill prioritizes sexual health with a $16 million increase to the Division of Adolescent and School Health, and a $100 million increase to the Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative at CDC.
COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the fight against STDs by disrupting care, treatment, and contact tracing. Now more than ever, increasing resources for the prevention, care, and treatment of STDs is needed. NCSD encourages the U.S. Senate to follow the House’s lead and provide increased federal funding to STDs and other sexual health programs.
For additional information, the full House bill report can be found here, the text of the bill can be found here and a summary of the bill can be found here.
The National Coalition of STD Directors is a national public health membership organization representing health department STD directors, their support staff, and community-based partners across 50 states, seven large cities, and eight U.S. territories. Our vision is a nation without sexually transmitted diseases. We advance effective STD prevention programs and services in every community across the country. NCSD does this as the voice of our membership. We provide leadership, build capacity, convene partners, and advocate. For more information, visit