Fractured systems leave adolescents at higher risk for STIs
For Immediate Release: August 9, 2024
Contact: Elizabeth Finley, [email protected],
Washington, D.C. – This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released their National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data Summary & Trends Report: 2013–2023. The YRBS is an essential resource for understanding how health trends are impacting the nation’s youth. The nationally representative survey gathers data from students in grades 9 through 12 on priority health risk behaviors, including their sexual health and other markers of well-being.
This year’s report is an urgent call-to action to prioritize healthcare and support systems for adolescents. The report details adolescent’s sexual behavior, substance use, experiences of violence, mental health, suicidal ideations, school connectedness, and social media use – all interconnected in understanding adolescent’s health and well-being. On nearly all indicators, behaviors and experiences continue to worsen on almost all indicators.
“This is a dire moment – the data is not good, and shows the dire impact young people feel as the result of political and social trends and the inability of frayed and under-supported school health resources to help them cope,” said Christy Altidor, director of adolescent health at NCSD. “We have an urgent need right now to invest in comprehensive, supportive services to ensure that young people have the resources that they need to be their best.”
While the data shows that students’ sexual activity decreased, protective sexual behaviors like condom use, STI and HIV testing also decreased. Young people ages 15-24 currently account for nearly half of the nation’s reportable STDs, making them a priority population for ending the nations syndemics of STIs and HiV.
“We cannot end our out-of-control STI epidemics if we sacrifice adolescents’ broader health and well-being, Altidor said. “Helping schools tap into what works in health education, access to healthcare, and safe and supportive environments must be a core strategy for improving the nation’s health.”
How NCSD is Improving the Nation’s School Health
NCSD contributed to the development of the YRBS 101 Resource, an education and awareness resource for local, state, and national organizations. This tool aims to support organizations in interrupting myths about this critical adolescent health survey, building relationships with YRBS coordinators, and developing resources and fact sheets on YRBS to share online and in person.
NCSD continues to partner with the CDC to support state education departments in their efforts to support adolescent health. We know we cannot achieve a nation free of STDs if we don’t include solutions tailored to young people. This data highlights the ongoing threats to our most vulnerable adolescents.
To learn more, visit CDC DASH.