Engage with national experts and peers at TeleHealthHIV’s virtual summit to implement effective telehealth programs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
This two-hour virtual summit will provide information on the state of telehealth today by bringing together experts to highlight what is happening in the field and to share lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The summit will break out into concurrent sessions with guest speakers to discuss key components of telehealth implementation: technology infrastructure for telehealth, financial logistics, client engagement in telePrEP, and strategies for provider readiness.
2:00 PM – State of Telehealth and Implications for HIV Prevention, Care & Treatment
3:00 – 4:00 PM – Breakout Sessions
1. Technology for Telehealth
2. Promoting Client Engagement in TelePrEP
3. Increasing Provider Readiness for Telehealth Provision