The STD field needs your voices. STDs are at an all-time high for the fifth year in a row. Congenital syphilis related deaths increased by a staggering 22 percent between 2017 and 2018. The time is now to take action and make sure we don’t continue these trends.
On April 21, NCSD will hold our annual April Day of Action. Due to the ever-changing climate of coronavirus, meetings with congressional offices will be held over the phone. This means you can take action for the STD field without even having to travel! This is a unique way to allow Congress to hear the voices of their constituents and understand the importance of supporting STD prevention.
All meetings with congressional offices will be educational and NCSD will host a webinar on Wednesday, April 8 at 3:00 p.m. ET to plan for the meetings and help participants prepare talking points.
The deadline to turn in your nomination form for our Day of Action has been extended to Wednesday, April 1.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form and return it to [email protected] by Wednesday, April 1.