This is the third installment of the “Fighting STDs Together: A PTC Series,” a collaboration between NNPTC and NCSD, highlighting their work with PCHD recipients. This month we're celebrating NNPTC success stories from providers who benefited from NNPTC.
For 40 years, the NNPTC Network has been fighting STDs through clinician training, hands on experiential learning, and expert consultation. In this month’s collaboration article we hear directly from provider who have used the NNPTC products and how it has influenced the screening, diagnosis and treatment of STDs.
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates are at all-time highs, with everyone
from Gen Z’ers to Baby Boomers at risk of infection. For healthcare providers,
comprehensive assistance is available to tackle this surge. Thanks to CDC’s
National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC), an extensive
educational and healthcare training system throughout the U.S., clinicians have
access to crucial clinical resources to help diagnose, treat, and prevent STDs.
With origins in a few small STD model clinics several decades ago, today’s NNPTC
is now a system of four National and eight Regional Prevention Training Centers
(PTCs) located around the country that offer a wide range of training and support for
STD healthcare providers, academic institutions, and researchers. Two cornerstone
services of the the NNPTC – the STD Clinical Consultation Network (STD CCN), and
the National STD Curriculum (NSTDC) – offer support to enhance the caregiving
efforts of providers across the country.
Read the full CDC article: Community Connections, Nationwide Impacts: CDC’s National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers Delivers Vital Support to Clinicians.