Here's the scoop on what's happening this week in Congress.
The House has passed three of the five minibus appropriations bills, which is a bill with multiple spending bills in one to accelerate the approval process, leaving the House with plenty of time to pass the other two bills before the September 30 appropriations deadline.
The Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby does not have enough votes necessary to determine the topline numbers of which to appropriate FY20 dollars to. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is against making any agreement on appropriations until a spending caps deal is reached.
These topline numbers are needed to start the appropriations process in the Senate. The likelihood of reaching a budget caps agreement before the September 30 appropriations deadline is small, meaning that lawmakers will most likely need to approve a short-term continuing resolution (CR), or bill that keeps agencies operating at FY19 numbers.
With questions, contact Taryn Couture, Associate Director, Government Relations.