Here's the scoop on what's happening this week in Congress.
On Thursday, January 3 the House passed a spending package that includes 2019 funding for six of the seven remaining FY2019 spending bills. The House also voted on a bill that extends the continuing resolution for the Homeland Security bill through February 8. The bill will now be sent to the Senate; however, it will not likely get a vote because the President has not indicated that he will sign the bill into law.
On Wednesday, January 2 the President and congressional leaders to discuss border security, however, the meeting seemed to result in an impasse.
Today, Friday, January 4 marks the 14th day since the government shutdown. The CDC remains open because their funding bill for 2019 was already passed and signed into law, however, the Indian Health Services and HOPWA continued to be affected by the shutdown.
For a synopsis of those agencies affected by the shutdown, read this update from ASTHO from earlier today.
The 116th Congress opened on January 3, 2019. New members of congress were sworn in, with Democrats taking control of the House and Republicans remaining in control of the Senate.
With questions, contact Taryn Couture, Senior Manager, Policy and Government Relations.